Bangkok is LGBT-friendly because Thailand welcomes LGBT people π©βπ But why is Thailand and its capital so friendly this way?
Furthermore, what does LGBT-friendly even mean? These answers are more complex but do not change the fact that Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok) is one of the most LGBT-friendly places in the world π¨βπ
One might ask something even more profound: Is being LGBT-friendly the same as full societal inclusion of all gender identification types? π¨βπ In the specific case of Thailand, ergo Bangkok, the answer to this is NO.Β
One thing is to be open and accepting of the LGBT community. It is entirely another thing to say there are no prejudices and everyone is treated equally π©βπ Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok)Β is one of the world's largest cities, but is it LGBT-friendly? Let's find out more about it.
This perception is accurate and entirely based on reality. Bangkok is as advertised. Everyone says it is a safe, inclusive, and exceedingly tolerant place π©βπ For travelers to the city's capital, this is especially so. The places, the people, and even the national policies and institutions are all friendly toward LGBT visitors π¨βπΒ But Thai society still has a long way to go to be considered entirely open and accessible for all identities.Β
The root of Thailand's LGBT tolerance and the overall conflict lies in the Buddhist religion. Thailand is 95% Buddhist, and there are two schools of thought within Thailand's particular religious sect, Theravada Buddhism π©βπ On one hand, personal gender identity is not something you control in this life.Β
Therefore, homosexual or bi/trans ways of life should be accepted and not be persecuted or harmed π¨βπ The traditional orthodox view says that those living outside of gender norms are going against Buddhist precepts.Β
This conflict is manifested in how LGBT people are treated in Thailand. All are welcome and accepted, and everybody enjoys the same freedom π©βπ But no laws guarantee this freedom. There are anti-discrimination laws, but there are no hate crime laws.Β
More gender-changing surgeries are performed in Thailand than elsewhere globally, but changing sex is not legal π¨βπ The LGBT paradise is Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok) because of universal acceptance and tolerance by the people, not from state guarantees.
π³οΈβπ Quick Trivia!Β
Bangkok is one of the first cities to introduce third-gender washrooms. The third gender washrooms are common throughout Thailand, which shows acceptance of sexual identities.
LGBT-friendly means people with these identities are included in everything and loved for who they are π¨βπ Nobody pressures anybody to be what they think others should be or resents anyone for being different. It is each in Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok). Friendly like this means you can be yourself and have fun, which is what Bangkok is all about! π©βπ
The LGBT-friendly places are everywhere. You can enjoy all Bangkok offers because it is such a friendly place that you can do anything π©βπ Go to the Grand Palace, drink on Khao San Road, and take a river cruise; be a tourist all day.Β
Then there is the nightlife. The best gay places are in Silom, Soi 2-4. Drag shows & cabarets for entertainment; hangouts & dance bars to get lost in the atmosphere of free expression π¨βπ If you need suggestions, there are many websites like ours to find things and get ideas.
Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok) is lesbian-friendly, but that is about it. There are few Lesbian bars and no party area scene like Silom for the guys π¨βπ There is much to do out there; it's harder to find. Go online and look up the big weekend and monthly parties like Go Grrrrls or Lesla. These are lesbian only. Β
Meet Thai "Tom's and Dees" at Vega's, or go to Silom and meet other ladies that come there. Just because it is not lesbian-specific does not mean you are not welcome; remember, Bangkok is friendly everywhere π©βπ The best thing about such an LGBT-friendly city is that you don't have to seek out your gender-specific place; you can do what you want.
Take your partner to dinner, or have drinks at the absolutely de Rigour Skybar.Β Or get a massage. The masseuses are masters of making you feel good; the ending is as happy as you want it to be π¨βπ It all goes back to the peace of mind there is just being a tourist in a friendly place.
Gays in Bangkok are in a pleasure theme park. As mentioned before, Silom is an entire street scene of gay activities π¨βπ Away from the spotlight is the gay paradise of Babylon Men's Complex and the hedonistic Tawan Go-Go Bar. Places like these are all over Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok). Β
But BKK-friendly means feeling home with your partners and friends in more minor local spots. Drink and play pool anywhere on Sukhumvit, and you will find gay guys just hanging out π©βπ The conversation is lively and intellectual, and the drinks are cheap.Β
Some hotels have great lounges with a gay clientele that might surprise you. Gay life is everywhere in Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok) π¨βπ The thing is that all people are accepted as just being people.
The "B" in LGBT might be the Big Winners. Gays have party spots, and lesbians can relax and be themselves, but Bi's have the best of all worlds in BKK π¨βπ Bi-sexual people need a friendly place like Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok) to explore their sexuality. The hetero scene in BKK is legendary, both for men and women.Β
On Soi Cowboy, some of the best-looking girls in the world can go with you to your hotel. A night in Silom, and you have the most handsome guys available for the same thing π©βπ No one will judge you at the front desk. To be bisexual in Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok), male or female, is to have the most sensual life experience.
If you are transgender, you have a lot of friendly companies in Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok) π©βπ Transgender people blend in everywhere because BKK is so friendly to everyone. And like all the above, to be able to have great conversations, party, and get intimate with those of your own identity is priceless.
But for transgender people, being in Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok) might be something special π¨βπ There is still a sense of this identity being outside the norm in many other cities and countries.Β
Thailand is different in that transgender people aren't just accepted in urban areas that are listed as LGBT-friendly; they have a nationwide presence. Thailand has the world's only elected openly transgender Minister of Parliament, Tanwarin Sukkhapisit of the Future Forward Party π©βπ
A very progressive Party name indeed! Her leadership is an inspiration to transgender people everywhere. She even argued for and won the right to dress as she wanted for her and her LGBT colleagues π¨βπ Ms. Sukkhhapisit will lead the next, hopefully successful, charge toward legalizing gay marriage in Thailand.
YES, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok) is an LGBT-friendly city. It is so because Thailand is an exceedingly LGBT-friendly country π©βπ There is much to enjoy in BKK and complete freedom to explore all of it unhindered. This freedom is what LGBT-friendly means.
The benefits of this freedom are acceptance, tolerance, and inclusiveness. Safety and peace of mind are the derivatives π¨βπ Many other cities are ranked higher on lists of LGBT cities. These are indexes of all kinds of factors. Thailand can do better. But it can never be more friendly.Β
So now you know that Bangkok is an LGBT-friendly city. From its lively party scenes to many lesbian and gay venues in every other town and beach resort, Bangkok and Thailand are safe and welcoming to LGBT travelers π©βπ Regardless of your sexual orientation, visit Bangkok now and make your wildest dreams come true.
: indulging in the pursuit of pleasure and sensually self-indulgent
: aΒ woman who provides massages professionally
: a fundamental rule or guideline aimed at regulating behavior or thought
: preconceived opinion not based on reason or experience or being biased
: being tremendous or intense or showing excellent knowledge or insight
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